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This article concerns the 10- and 25-man versions of Naxxramas introduced with Wrath of the Lich King. For the original 40-man raid introduced in Patch 1.11 see Naxxramas (Classic) loot.
Raid dungeons
Warlords of Draenor

Blackrock Foundry
Hellfire Citadel





Emerald Nightmare
Trial of Valor
The Nighthold
Tomb of Sargeras




Battle for Azeroth

Battle of Dazar'alor
Crucible of Storms
The Eternal Palace




This article outlines loot dropped in the dungeon Naxxramas.

Among the loot is the Tier 7 raid armor sets.

Boss loot[]


Boss Item Type
Anub'Rekhan Inv knife 1h stratholme d 01 [Knife of Incision] Agility dagger
Inv belt 07 [Agonal Sash] Spirit cloth belt
Inv gauntlets 64 [Gloves of Dark Gestures] Caster gloves
Inv pants leather 23 [Splint-Bound Leggings] Spirit leather leggings
Inv boots chain 12 [Boots of Persistence] Spirit mail boots
Inv boots plate 06 [Ravaging Sabatons] Strength plate boots
Inv chest plate18 [Chivalric Chestguard] Caster plate chest
Inv jewelry ring 51naxxramas [Band of Neglected Pleas] Spirit ring
Inv jewelry necklace 27naxxramas [Collar of Dissolution] Agility necklace
Inv jewelry ring 53naxxramas [Deflection Band] Tank ring
Grand Widow Faerlina Inv gauntlets 06 [Gloves of Token Respect] Spirit cloth gloves
Inv sword 61 [Grieving Spellblade] Caster sword
Inv belt 03 [Sash of Mortal Desire] Spirit cloth belt
Inv boots 08 [Boots of the Follower] Spirit leather boots
Inv boots cloth 05 [Boots of the Worshiper] Agility leather boots
Inv gauntlets 59 [Rusted-Link Spiked Gauntlets] Agility mail gloves
Inv pants mail 17 [Avenging Combat Leggings] Spirit mail leggings
Inv bracer 15 [Bracers of Lost Sentiments] Strength plate bracers
Inv shoulder 75 [Frostblight Pauldrons] Spirit plate shoulders
Inv gauntlets 62 [Gauntlets of the Master] Tank plate gloves
Inv offhand naxxramas 03 [Watchful Eye] Caster DPS off-hand
Maexxna Inv mace 1h stratholme d 01 [Maexxna's Femur] Agility one-hand mace
Inv weapon halberd 04 [Wraith Spear] Agility polearm
Inv shield 28 [Aegis of Damnation] Caster shield
Inv pants mail 21 [Leggings of Discord] Agility leather leggings
Inv shoulder 72 [Spaulders of the Monstrosity] Spirit leather shoulders
Inv gauntlets 52 [Web Cocoon Grips] Spirit plate gloves
Inv misc cape naxxramas 03 [Cloak of Armed Strife] Tank cloak
Inv trinket naxxramas04 [Embrace of the Spider] Caster trinket
Inv jewelry necklace 29naxxramas [Pendant of Lost Vocations] Spirit necklace
Inv jewelry ring 48naxxramas [Timeworn Silken Band] Spirit ring
Inv misc cat trinket09 [Dusty Clutch of Eggs] Companion
Patchwerk Inv knife 1h stratholme d 03 [Blade of Dormant Memories] Caster dagger
Inv sword 61 [Hatestrike] Agility one-hand sword
Inv boots cloth 11 [Sullen Cloth Boots] Spirit cloth boots
Inv gauntlets 58 [Contagion Gloves] Spirit leather gloves
Inv shoulder 73 [Retcher's Shoulderpads] Spirit mail shoulders
Inv shoulder 75 [Abomination Shoulderblades] Tank plate shoulders
Inv gauntlets 28 [Gauntlets of Combined Strength] Strength plate gloves
Inv belt 12 [Tainted Girdle of Mending] Spirit plate belt
Inv misc cape naxxramas 01 [Drape of Surgery] Spirit cloak
Grobbulus Inv mace 29 [Infection Repulser] Spirit one-hand mace
Inv shield 26 [The Skull of Ruin] Tank shield
Inv gauntlets 40 [Handgrips of Turmoil] Spirit cloth gloves
Inv shoulder 72 [Miasma Mantle] Spirit cloth shoulders
Inv belt 21 [Blistered Belt of Decay] Agility leather belt
Inv pants leather 22 [Desecrated Past] Spirit leather leggings
Inv bracer 18 [Putrescent Bands] Spirit leather bracers
Inv pants plate 21 [Leggings of Innumerable Barbs] Strength plate leggings
Inv jewelry necklace 27naxxramas [Bone-Linked Amulet] Spirit necklace
Inv jewelry ring 53naxxramas [Sealing Ring of Grobbulus] Agility ring
Gluth Drops loot from any pre-Sapphiron boss.
Ability deathknight brittlebones [Gluth's Bone] Companion
Thaddius Inv sword 60 [Torment of the Banished] Agility one-hand sword
Inv helmet 126 [Cowl of Sheet Lightning] Spirit cloth helmet
Inv helmet128 [Arc-Scorched Helmet] Agility mail helmet
Inv pants plate 21 [Blackened Legplates of Feugen] Spirit plate leggings
Inv trinket naxxramas05 [Repelling Charge] Tank trinket
Inv pants plate 17 [Leggings of the Lost Conqueror] Armor token
Inv pants plate 17 [Leggings of the Lost Protector] Armor token
Inv pants plate 17 [Leggings of the Lost Vanquisher] Armor token
Noth the Plaguebringer Inv chest cloth 42 [Robes of Hoarse Breaths] Spirit cloth chest
Inv helmet 108 [Noth's Curse] Spirit leather helm
Inv shoulder 67 [Spaulders of Resumed Battle] Agility leather shoulders
Inv gauntlets 27 [Handgrips of the Foredoomed] Caster mail gloves
Inv boots chain 01 [Trespasser's Boots] Agility mail boots
Inv bracer 07 [Bone-Framed Bracers] Spirit plate bracers
Inv chest plate10 [Chestplate of the Risen Soldier] Strength plate chest
Inv boots plate 06 [Plague-Impervious Boots] Tank plate boots
Inv misc cape naxxramas 03 [Dark Shroud of the Scourge] Caster cloak
Inv jewelry ring 50naxxramas [Ring of the Fated] Caster ring
Heigan the Unclean Inv mace 25 [Demise] Strength two-hand mace
Inv staff 77 [Staff of the Plague Beast] Tank staff
Inv bracer 17 [Preceptor's Bindings] Caster cloth bracers
Inv boots cloth 16 [Saltarello Shoes] Spirit cloth boots
Inv bracer 18 [Cuffs of Dark Shadows] Agility leather bracers
Inv belt 15 [Necrogenic Belt] Spirit mail belt
Inv chest leather 02 [Tunic of the Lost Pack] Agility mail chest
Inv shoulder 75 [Shoulderplates of Bloodshed] Strength plate shoulders
Inv jewelry necklace 30naxxramas [Amulet of Autopsy] Strength tank necklace
Inv jewelry ring 50naxxramas [Ring of Holy Cleansing] Spirit ring
Loatheb Inv staff 34 [Sulfur Stave] Caster staff
Inv chest leather 01 [Fungi-Stained Coverings] Spirit leather chest
Inv helmet 110 [Helm of the Corrupted Mind] Caster plate helm
Inv pants plate 21 [Legplates of Inescapable Death] Tank plate leggings
Inv trinket naxxramas03 [Loatheb's Shadow] type
Inv shoulder 22 [Spaulders of the Lost Conqueror] Armor token
Inv shoulder 22 [Spaulders of the Lost Protector] Armor token
Inv shoulder 22 [Spaulders of the Lost Vanquisher] Armor token
Creature sporemushroom [Blighted Spore] Companion
Instructor Razuvious Inv weapon bow 13 [Accursed Bow of the Elite] Bow
Inv shoulder 72 [Mantle of the Extensive Mind] Spirit cloth shoulders
Inv pants cloth 14 [Leggings of the Instructor] Spirit cloth leggings
Inv belt 25 [Girdle of Lenience] Spirit leather belt
Inv gauntlets 31 [Rapid Attack Gloves] Agility leather gloves
Inv bracer 07 [Iron Rings of Endurance] Spirit mail bracers
Inv gauntlets 52 [Plated Gloves of Relief] Spirit plate gloves
Inv belt 12 [Waistguard of the Tutor] Tank plate belt
Inv misc cape naxxramas 02 [Cloak of Darkening] Agility cloak
Inv offhand naxxramas 02 [Scepter of Murmuring Spirits] Spirit off hand
Gothik the Harvester Inv sword 62 [Slayer of the Lifeless] Tank one-hand sword
Inv helmet 133 [Gothik's Cowl] Spirit caster helm
Inv bracer 08 [Resurgent Phantom Bindings] Spirit cloth bracers
Inv chest leather 05 [Tunic of Dislocation] Agility leather chest
Inv chest chain 16 [Heinous Mail Chestguard] Spirit mail chest
Inv belt 19 [Spectral Rider's Girdle] Agility mail belt
Inv belt 15 [Girdle of the Ascended Phantom] Strength plate belt
Inv boots chain 08 [Sabatons of Deathlike Gloom] Spirit plate boots
Inv jewelry ring 52naxxramas [Signet of the Malevolent] Caster ring
Inv trinket naxxramas06 [Spirit-World Glass] Spirit trinket
Inv jewelry necklace 30naxxramas [Veiled Amulet of Life] Spirit necklace
Four Horsemen Inv staff 31 [Charmed Cierge] Spirit staff
Inv sword 46 [Claymore of Ancient Power] Agility two-hand sword
Inv chest cloth 49 [Gown of Blaumeux] Caster cloth chest
Inv shoulder 73 [Pauldrons of Havoc] Agility mail shoulders
Inv helmet 110 [Thane's Tainted Greathelm] Tank plate helm
Inv chest chain 03 [Chestguard of the Lost Conqueror] Armor token
Inv chest chain 03 [Chestguard of the Lost Protector] Armor token
Inv chest chain 03 [Chestguard of the Lost Vanquisher] Armor token
Sapphiron Inv helmet 126 [Cowl of Winged Fear] Spirit cloth helm
Inv pants cloth 15 [Leggings of Sapphiron] Spirit cloth leggings
Inv helmet 108 [Helm of the Vast Legions] Agility leather helm
Inv helmet 110 [Helm of the Unsubmissive] Strength plate helm
Inv chest plate10 [Massive Skeletal Ribcage] Tank plate chest
Inv misc cape naxxramas 01 [Shroud of the Citadel] Caster cloak
Spell holy mindsooth [Key to the Focusing Iris] Quest item
Inv jewelry ring 49naxxramas [Circle of Life] Spirit ring
Kel'Thuzad Inv weapon shortblade 37 [Anarchy] Agility dagger
Inv axe 2h stratholme d 01 [Death's Bite] Strength two-hand axe
Inv mace 27 [Hammer of the Astral Plane] Caster one-hand mace
Inv weapon hand 03 [Kel'Thuzad's Reach] Agility fist weapon
Inv weapon rifle 21 [Nerubian Conquerer] Gun
Inv staff 80 [Staff of the Plaguehound] Agility staff
Inv knife 1h stratholme d 02 [The Soulblade] Caster dagger
Inv wand 1h stratholme d 02 [Wand of the Archlich] Spirit wand
Inv misc cape naxxramas 02 [Cloak of the Dying] Spirit cloak
Inv jewelry necklace 27naxxramas [Gem of Imprisoned Vassals] Agility ring
Inv helmet 24 [Helm of the Lost Conqueror] Armor token
Inv helmet 24 [Helm of the Lost Protector] Armor token
Inv helmet 24 [Helm of the Lost Vanquisher] Armor token


Boss Item Type
Anub'Rekhan Inv wand 16 [Gemmed Wand of the Nerubians] Caster wand
Inv shield 55 [Shield of Assimilation] Spirit shield
Inv weapon shortblade 58 [Webbed Death] Agility dagger
Inv shoulder 72 [Mantle of the Locusts] Spirit cloth shoulders
Inv belt 07 [Sash of the Parlor] Spirit cloth belt
Inv boots cloth 05 [Dawnwalkers] Agility leather boots
Inv bracer 08 [Swarm Bindings] Spirit leather bracers
Inv bracer 02 [Arachnoid Gold Band] Agility mail bracers
Inv gauntlets 03 [Corpse Scarab Handguards] Spirit mail gloves
Inv boots plate 06 [Inexorable Sabatons] Tank plate boots
Inv shoulder 75 [Pauldrons of Unnatural Death] Tank plate shoulders
Inv gauntlets 10 [Rescinding Grips] Caster plate gloves
Inv boots plate 05 [Sabatons of Sudden Reprisal] Strength plate boots
Inv jewelry necklace 28naxxramas [Chains of Adoration] Spirit necklace
Inv jewelry ring 50naxxramas [Sand-Worn Band] Tank ring
Inv jewelry necklace 29naxxramas [Fool's Trial] Agility necklace
Inv jewelry necklace 27naxxramas [Heritage] Tank necklace
Inv jewelry ring 51naxxramas [Lost Jewel] Spirit ring
Inv jewelry ring 48naxxramas [Ruthlessness] Strength ring
Inv jewelry ring 49naxxramas [Seized Beauty] Spirit ring
Inv jewelry ring 53naxxramas [Strong-Handed Ring] Agility ring
Inv jewelry necklace 30naxxramas [Thunderstorm Amulet] Caster necklace
Grand Widow Faerlina Inv sword 98 [Widow's Fury] One-hand agility sword
Inv belt 11 [Belt of False Dignity] Spirit cloth belt
Inv bracer 13 [Punctilious Bindings] Spirit cloth bracers
Inv gauntlets 58 [Dislocating Handguards] Agility leather gloves
Inv chest leather 15 [Tunic of Prejudice] Spirit leather chest
Inv boots chain 12 [Atonement Greaves] Spirit mail boots
Inv bracer 15 [Bracers of the Tyrant] Strength plate bracers
Inv gauntlets 62 [Callous-Hearted Gauntlets] Tank plate gauntlets
Inv shoulder 75 [Epaulets of the Grieving Servant] Caster plate shoulders
Inv helmet 110 [Fire-Scorched Greathelm] Strength plate helm
Inv jewelry ring 48naxxramas [Ruthlessness] Strength ring
Inv jewelry ring 49naxxramas [Seized Beauty] Spirit ring
Maexxna Inv weapon hand 09 [Wraith Strike] Caster fist weapon
Inv pants cloth 26 [Distorted Limbs] Spirit cloth leggings
Inv chest cloth 44 [Digested Silken Robes] Spirit cloth chest
Inv helmet 108 [Cowl of the Perished] Spirit leather helm
Inv pants mail 21 [Infectious Skitterer Leggings] Agility leather leggings
Inv shoulder 11 [Mantle of Shattered Kinship] Spirit leather shoulders
Inv bracer 07 [Sinner's Bindings] Agility leather bracers
Inv bracer 14 [Bindings of the Hapless Prey] Tank plate bracers
Inv helmet 110 [Helm of Diminished Pride] Spirit plate helm
Inv misc cape naxxramas 03 [Cloak of the Shadowed Sun] Tank cloak
Inv misc cape naxxramas 03 [Cloak of Averted Crisis] Spirit cloak
Inv misc cape naxxramas 02 [Shroud of Luminosity] Caster cloak
Inv trinket naxxramas05 [Defender's Code] Tank trinket
Inv trinket naxxramas01 [Forethought Talisman] Healing trinket
Inv trinket naxxramas04 [Grim Toll] DPS trinket
Inv offhand naxxramas d 01 [Matriarch's Spawn] Spirit off-hand
Inv misc cat trinket09 [Dusty Clutch of Eggs] Companion
Patchwerk Inv weapon bow 40 [Arrowsong] Bow
Inv mace 78 [Split Greathammer] Agility one-hand mace
Inv shield 56 [Hero's Surrender] Tank shield
Inv boots cloth 12 [Boots of Persuasion] Spirit cloth boots
Inv boots 08 [Boots of Septic Wounds] Spirit leather boots
Inv belt 07 [Sash of Solitude] Spirit cloth belt
Inv belt 15 [Belt of the Tortured] Agility leather belt
Inv belt 28 [Girdle of the Gambit] Spirit mail belt
Inv gauntlets 26 [Gloves of Calculated Risk] Agility mail gloves
Inv gauntlets 28 [Crude Discolored Battlegrips] Strength plate gloves
Inv belt 34 [Fleshless Girdle] Tank plate belt
Inv belt 28 [Waistguard of Divine Grace] Caster plate belt
Inv jewelry necklace 28naxxramas [Chains of Adoration] Spirit necklace
Inv jewelry ring 50naxxramas [Sand-Worn Band] Tank ring
Inv offhand stratholme a 02 [Surplus Limb] Caster off-hand
Grobbulus Inv weapon shortblade 77 [Twilight Mist] Agility dagger
Inv staff 90 [Origin of Nightmares] Tank staff
Inv wand 1h stratholme d 01 [Plague Igniter] Spirit wand
Inv helmet 133 [Cowl of Vanity] Spirit cloth helm
Inv shoulder 72 [Sympathetic Amice] Spirit cloth shoulders
Inv shoulder 72 [Mantle of the Fatigued Sage] Caster cloth shoulders
Inv chest leather 05 [Tunic of Indulgence] Agility leather chest
Inv belt 18 [Depraved Linked Belt] Agility mail belt
Inv chest chain 16 [Fallout Impervious Tunic] Caster mail chest
Inv bracer 02 [Slime Stream Bands] Agility mail bracers
Inv shoulder 73 [Spaulders of Incoherence] Spirit mail shoulders
Inv bracer 19 [Bracers of Liberation] Caster plate bracers
Inv chest plate09 [Chestguard of the Exhausted] Tank plate chest
Inv belt 34 [Girdle of Chivalry] Strength plate belt
Inv misc cape naxxramas 03 [Cloak of Averted Crisis] Spirit cloak
Inv misc cape naxxramas 02 [Shawl of the Old Maid] Spirit cloak
Inv misc cape naxxramas 02 [Shroud of Luminosity] Caster cloak
Inv trinket naxxramas05 [Defender's Code] Tank trinket
Inv trinket naxxramas04 [Grim Toll] DPS trinket
Gluth Drops loot from any pre-Sapphiron boss.
Ability deathknight brittlebones [Gluth's Bone] Companion
Thaddius Inv staff 82 [Spire of Sunset] Spirit staff
Inv belt 10 [Cincture of Polarity] Caster cloth belt
Inv gauntlets 16 [Wraps of the Persecuted] Spirit cloth gloves
Inv helmet 108 [Cover of Silence] Agility leather helm
Inv helmet 108 [Headpiece of Fungal Bloom] Spirit leather helm
Inv gauntlets 05 [Benefactor's Gauntlets] Caster mail gloves
Inv shoulder 73 [Pauldrons of the Abandoned] Agility mail shoulders
Inv helmet 110 [Faceguard of the Succumbed] Caster plate helm
Inv pants plate 02 [Riveted Abomination Leggings] Strength plate leggings
Inv boots plate 06 [Sabatons of Endurance] Tank plate boots
Inv pants plate 17 [Legplates of the Lost Conqueror] Armor token
Inv pants plate 17 [Legplates of the Lost Protector] Armor token
Inv pants plate 17 [Legplates of the Lost Vanquisher] Armor token
Noth the Plaguebringer Inv mace 73 [Angry Dread] Agility one-hand mace
Inv bracer 13 [Bands of Impurity] Spirit cloth bracers
Inv gauntlets 17 [Gloves of the Fallen Wizard] Caster cloth gloves
Inv chest cloth 32 [Robes of Mutation] Spirit cloth chest
Inv belt 25 [Belt of Potent Chanting] Spirit leather belt
Inv bracer 07 [Thrusting Bands] Agility leather bracers
Inv boots chain 07 [Crippled Treads] Agility mail boots
Inv pants mail 10 [Legguards of the Undisturbed] Spirit mail leggings
Inv chest samurai [Tunic of Masked Suffering] Agility mail chest
Inv gauntlets 62 [Gauntlets of the Disobedient] Tank plate gloves
Inv boots plate 03 [Poignant Sabatons] Caster plate boots
Inv shoulder 75 [Shoulderguards of Opportunity] Strength plate shoulders
Inv offhand utgarde d 01 [Accursed Spine] Spirit off-hand
Inv jewelry necklace 28naxxramas [Chains of Adoration] Spirit necklace
Inv jewelry ring 50naxxramas [Sand-Worn Band] Tank ring
Heigan the Unclean Inv staff 86 [The Undeath Carrier] Agility staff
Inv weapon halberd 26 [Cryptfiend's Bite] Agility polearm
Inv chest cloth 41 [Heigan's Putrid Vestments] Caster cloth chest
Inv boots cloth 16 [Serene Echoes] Spirit cloth boots
Inv gauntlets 13 [Gloves of the Dancing Bear] Spirit leather gloves
Inv belt 15 [Stalk-Skin Belt] Agility leather belt
Inv bracer 17 [Bindings of the Decrepit] Spirit mail bracers
Inv boots chain 13 [Eruption-Scarred Boots] Caster mail boots
Inv helmet 18 [Helm of Pilgrimage] Spirit mail helm
Inv pants 03 [Leggings of Colossal Strides] Agility mail leggings
Inv chest plate09 [Breastplate of Tormented Rage] Tank plate chest
Inv chest plate11 [Chestguard of Bitter Charms] Spirit plate chest
Inv boots plate 02 [Iron-Spring Jumpers] Strength plate boots
Inv pants plate 20 [Legguards of the Apostle] Caster plate leggings
Inv misc cape naxxramas 01 [Aged Winter Cloak] Agility cloak
Inv misc cape naxxramas 03 [Cloak of Averted Crisis] Spirit cloak
Inv misc cape naxxramas 02 [Shroud of Luminosity] Caster cloak
Inv trinket naxxramas03 [Dying Curse] Caster trinket
Inv trinket naxxramas04 [Grim Toll] DPS trinket
Loatheb Inv wand 1h stratholme d 02 [Fading Glow] Spirit wand
Inv mace 84 [The Impossible Dream] Spirit one-hand mace
Inv weapon hand 05 [The Hand of Nerub] Agility fist weapon
Inv helmet 133 [Cowl of Innocent Delight] Spirit cloth helm
Inv boots cloth 02 [Footwraps of Vile Deceit] Agility leather boots
Inv chest leather 01 [Vest of Vitality] Spirit leather chest
Inv gauntlets 05 [Grotesque Handgrips] Agility mail gloves
Inv belt 28 [Girdle of Unity] Spirit plate belt
Inv pants plate 07 [Greaves of Turbulence] Tank plate leggings
Inv shoulder 22 [Mantle of the Lost Conqueror] Armor token
Inv shoulder 22 [Mantle of the Lost Protector] Armor token
Inv shoulder 22 [Mantle of the Lost Vanquisher] Armor token
Creature sporemushroom [Blighted Spore] Companion
Instructor Razuvious Inv boots cloth 16 [Boots of Forlorn Wishes] Spirit cloth boots
Inv chest chain 15 [Chestpiece of Suspicion] Agility leather chest
Inv bracer 08 [Esteemed Bindings] Spirit leather bracers
Inv shoulder 73 [Spaulders of Egotism] Agility leather shoulders
Inv bracer 12 [Bands of Mutual Respect] Caster mail bracers
Inv belt 19 [Girdle of Recuperation] Caster mail belt
Inv shoulder 73 [Shoulderpads of Secret Arts] Agility mail shoulders
Inv bracer 18 [Bracers of the Unholy Knight] Tank plate boots
Inv boots plate 03 [Faithful Steel Sabatons] Spirit plate boots
Inv gauntlets 15 [Gauntlets of Guiding Touch] Spirit plate gloves
Inv belt 34 [Girdle of Razuvious] Strength plate belt
Inv pants plate 21 [Legplates of Double Strikes] Strength plate leggings
Inv jewelry necklace 27naxxramas [Heritage] Tank necklace
Gothik the Harvester Inv sword 121 [Life and Death] Caster one-hand sword
Inv mace 80 [Touch of Horror] Spirit wand
Inv bracer 17 [Bindings of Yearning] Spirit cloth bracers
Inv helmet 108 [Hood of the Exodus] Agility leather helm
Inv pants mail 21 [Leggings of Fleeting Moments] Agility leather leggings
Inv belt 25 [Shackled Cinch] Spirit leather belt
Inv helmet 18 [Helm of Unleashed Energy] Spirit mail helm
Inv pants mail 06 [Leggings of Failed Escape] Agility mail leggings
Inv bracer 19 [Abetment Bracers] Spirit plate bracers
Inv shoulder 75 [Burdened Shoulderplates] Tank plate shoulders
Inv helmet 110 [Helm of Vital Protection] Tank plate helm
Inv misc cape naxxramas 03 [Cloak of the Shadowed Sun] Tank cloak
Inv misc cape naxxramas 03 [Cloak of Averted Crisis] Spirit cloak
Inv misc cape naxxramas 02 [Shroud of Luminosity] Caster cloak
Inv trinket naxxramas04 [Grim Toll] DPS trinket
Four Horsemen Inv sword 104 [Armageddon] Strength two-hand sword
Inv sword 115 [Broken Promise] Tank one-hand sword
Inv staff 67 [Damnation] Spirit staff
Inv weapon crossbow 25 [Final Voyage] Crossbow
Inv gauntlets 24 [Gloves of Peaceful Death] Spirit leather gloves
Inv helmet 18 [Helm of the Grave] Agility mail helm
Inv pants mail 17 [Leggings of Voracious Shadows] Caster mail leggings
Inv gauntlets 54 [Zeliek's Gauntlets] Strength plate gloves
Inv offhand naxxramas 04 [Urn of Lost Memories] Spirit off-hand
Inv chest chain 03 [Breastplate of the Lost Conqueror] Armor token
Inv chest chain 03 [Breastplate of the Lost Protector] Armor token
Inv chest chain 03 [Breastplate of the Lost Vanquisher] Armor token
Sapphiron Inv weapon shortblade 84 [Murder] Agility dagger
Inv pants cloth 16 [Legwraps of the Defeated Dragon] Caster cloth leggings
Inv chest cloth 32 [Sympathy] Spirit cloth chest
Inv gauntlets 28 [Gloves of Fast Reactions] Agility leather gloves
Inv pants leather 11 [Legguards of the Boneyard] Spirit leather leggings
Inv boots chain 07 [Boots of the Great Construct] Agility mail boots
Inv helmet 107 [Helmet of the Inner Sanctum] Caster mail helm
Inv pants plate 05 [Bone-Inlaid Legguards] Spirit plate leggings
Inv shoulder 75 [Noble Birthright Pauldrons] Spirit plate shoulders
Inv helmet 110 [Platehelm of the Great Wyrm] Tank plate helm
Spell holy mindsooth [Heroic Key to the Focusing Iris] Quest item
Inv trinket naxxramas03 [Bandit's Insignia] Physical DPS trinket
Inv jewelry necklace 29naxxramas [Ceaseless Pity] Spirit necklace
Inv jewelry necklace 27naxxramas [Cosmic Lights] Caster necklace
Inv trinket naxxramas06 [Extract of Necromantic Power] DPS trinket
Inv jewelry ring 53naxxramas [Gatekeeper] Tank ring
Inv jewelry necklace 30naxxramas [Icy Blast Amulet] Agility necklace
Inv jewelry ring 50naxxramas [Ring of Decaying Beauty] Spirit ring
Inv trinket naxxramas01 [Rune of Repulsion] Tank trinket
Inv trinket naxxramas03 [Soul of the Dead] Caster trinket
Kel'Thuzad Inv axe 99 [Betrayer of Humanity] Agility two-hand axe
Inv weapon hand 20 [Calamity's Grasp] Agility fist weapon
Inv weapon rifle 24 [Envoy of Mortality] Gun
Inv staff 89 [Journey's End] Agility staff
Inv axe 61 [Last Laugh] Tank one-hand axe
Inv weapon shortblade 92 [Sinister Revenge] Agility dagger
Inv sword 130 [The Turning Tide] Caster one-hand sword
Inv mace 82 [Torch of Holy Fire] Spirit one-hand mace
Inv shield 63 [Voice of Reason] Caster shield
Inv shield 32 [Wall of Terror] Tank shield
Inv pants cloth 26 [Leggings of Mortal Arrogance] Spirit cloth leggings
Inv misc cape naxxramas 02 [Cape of the Unworthy Wizard] Spirit cloak
Inv misc cape naxxramas 03 [Drape of the Deadly Foe] Agility cloak
Inv jewelry necklace 27naxxramas [Boundless Ambition] Tank necklace
Inv jewelry ring 51naxxramas [Signet of Manifested Pain] Caster ring
Inv helmet 24 [Crown of the Lost Conqueror] Armor token
Inv helmet 24 [Crown of the Lost Protector] Armor token
Inv helmet 24 [Crown of the Lost Vanquisher] Armor token

Trash Loot[]

10 man[]

Item Type
Inv wand 1h stratholme d 01 [Contortion] Spirit wand
Inv knife 1h stratholme d 03 [Omen of Ruin] Agility dagger
Inv weapon hand 03 [The Stray] Agility fist weapon
Inv bracer 07 [Minion Bracers] Tank plate bracers
Inv jewelry necklace 30naxxramas [Chain of Latent Energies] Caster necklace
Inv jewelry necklace 28naxxramas [Medallion of the Disgraced] Strength tank necklace

25 man[]

Item Type
Inv sword 120 [Silent Crusader] Agility one-hand sword
Inv mace 1h stratholme d 01 [Inevitable Defeat] Melee one-hand mace
Inv weapon shortblade 82 [Haunting Call] Caster dagger
Inv boots chain 01 [Boots of the Escaped Captive] Spirit leather boots
Inv shoulder 75 [Shoulderguards of the Undaunted] Strength plate shoulders
Inv misc cape naxxramas 01 [Shadow of the Ghoul] Strength tank cloak
Inv jewelry necklace 28naxxramas [Ousted Bead Necklace] Spirit necklace