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Tailoring Icon WoW Icon update Tailoring (Profession)
Tailoring patterns

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Draenor Warlords of Draenor
Legion Legion
Battle for Azeroth Battle for Azeroth
Shadowlands Shadowlands
Dragon Isles Dragonflight





Kul Tiran and Zandalari Tailoring proficiency can be trained as early as level TBC and requires no previous training. It permits progression of Kul Tiran and Zandalari tailoring up to 170 skill (up from 150 in patch 8.2.0), and access to the following patterns:

Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.5

Item Category Materials Rank Skill Source
Orange Yellow Green Gray
Inv bracer cloth kultirasquest b 01 [Tidespray Linen Bracers] Cloth 10 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
5 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
1 10 47 85 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient
Inv glove cloth kultirasquest b 01 [Tidespray Linen Mittens] Cloth 13 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
10 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
1 15 50 85 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient
Aqueous Alteration Conversion 1x Inv tradeskillitem sorcererswater [Tidalcore],
5x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
1 1 25 50 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 25g
Sanguinated Alteration Conversion 1x Inv tradeskill 81 breath of bwonsamdi raid [Breath of Bwonsamdi],
10x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
1 1 25 50 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 25g
Inv boots cloth kultirasquest b 01 [Tidespray Linen Sandals] Cloth 12 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
20 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
1 15 50 85 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 25g
Inv belt cloth kultirasquest b 01 [Tidespray Linen Belt] Cloth 13 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
10 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
1 15 50 85 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 25g
Inv pants cloth kultirasquest b 01 [Tidespray Linen Pants] Cloth 17 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
10 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
1 25 55 85 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 25g
Inv shoulders cloth kultirasquest b 01 [Tidespray Linen Spaulders] Cloth 13 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
10 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
25 50 75 100 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 28g
Inv helm cloth kultirasquest b 01 [Tidespray Linen Hood] Cloth 16 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
20 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
25 50 75 100 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 28g
Inv cape cloth kultirasquest b 01 [Tidespray Linen Cloak] Cloth 13 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
10 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
25 50 75 100 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 28g
Inv chest cloth kultirasquest b 01 [Tidespray Linen Robe] Cloth 16 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
20 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
25 75 87 100 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 28g
Sinister Combatant's Satin Bracers (BfA S2)
Inv bracer icons cloth warfrontsalliance c 01 [Honorable Combatant's Satin Bracers] (BfA S1)
PvP Cloth 28 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
12 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
2 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 1 85 100 117 135 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 40g
25 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
10 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
1 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 2 - 110 127 145 Alliance Leedan Gustaf / Horde Ozgrom Ragefang 2 Mark of Honor
22 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
8 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
1 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 3 - 125 137 150 Alliance Leedan Gustaf / Horde Ozgrom Ragefang 4 Mark of Honor
Sinister Combatant's Satin Belt (BfA S2)
Inv belt icons cloth warfrontsalliance b 01 [Honorable Combatant's Satin Bracers] (BfA S1)
PvP Cloth 35 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
25 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
3 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 1 85 100 117 135 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 40g
33 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
20 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
2 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 2 - 110 127 145 Alliance Leedan Gustaf / Horde Ozgrom Ragefang 2 Mark of Honor
30 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
15 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
1 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 3 - 125 137 150 Alliance Leedan Gustaf / Horde Ozgrom Ragefang 4 Mark of Honor
Sinister Combatant's Satin Boots (BfA S2)
Inv boot icons cloth warfrontsalliance c 01 [Honorable Combatant's Satin Bracers] (BfA S1)
PvP Cloth 35 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
25 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
3 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 1 85 100 117 135 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 40g
33 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
20 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
2 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 2 - 110 127 145 Alliance Leedan Gustaf / Horde Ozgrom Ragefang 2 Mark of Honor
30 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
15 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
1 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 3 - 125 137 150 Alliance Leedan Gustaf / Horde Ozgrom Ragefang 4 Mark of Honor
Sinister Combatant's Satin Cloak (BfA S2)
Inv cape icons cloth warfrontsalliance b 01 [Honorable Combatant's Satin Cloak] (BfA S1)
PvP Cloth 35 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
25 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
3 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 1 85 100 117 135 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 40g
33 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
20 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
2 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 2 - 110 127 145 Alliance Leedan Gustaf / Horde Ozgrom Ragefang 2 Mark of Honor
30 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
15 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
1 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 3 - 125 137 150 Alliance Leedan Gustaf / Horde Ozgrom Ragefang 4 Mark of Honor
Sinister Combatant's Satin Mittens (BfA S2)
Inv glove icons cloth warfrontsalliance c 01 [Honorable Combatant's Satin Mittens] (BfA S1)
PvP Cloth 35 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
25 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
3 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 1 85 100 117 135 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 40g
33 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
20 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
2 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 2 - 110 127 145 Alliance Leedan Gustaf / Horde Ozgrom Ragefang 2 Mark of Honor
30 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
15 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
1 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 3 - 125 137 150 Alliance Leedan Gustaf / Horde Ozgrom Ragefang 4 Mark of Honor
Sinister Combatant's Satin Pants (BfA S2)
Inv pant icons cloth warfrontsalliance c 01 [Honorable Combatant's Satin Pants] (BfA S1)
PvP Cloth 35 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
25 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
3 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 1 85 100 117 135 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 40g
33 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
20 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
2 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 2 - 110 127 145 Alliance Leedan Gustaf / Horde Ozgrom Ragefang 2 Mark of Honor
30 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
15 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
1 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 3 - 125 137 150 Alliance Leedan Gustaf / Horde Ozgrom Ragefang 4 Mark of Honor
Embroidered Deep Sea Cloak Cloth 15 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
12 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
12 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
3 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 1 85 100 117 135 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 40g
13 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
8 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
10 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
2 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 2 110 150 150 150 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 65g
10 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
6 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
8 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
1 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 3 - 150 150 150 Voldunai/Order of Embers 1200g
Embroidered Deep Sea Gloves BoP Cloth 10 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
40 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
40 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
30 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
15 Inv tradeskillitem lessersorcererswater [Hydrocore]
110 150 150 150 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 50g
Inv glove cloth nazmirraid d 01 [Imbued Deep Sea Gloves] BoP Cloth 15 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
45 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
45 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
40 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
25 Ability malkorok blightofyshaarj red [Sanguicell]
- 150 150 150 Discovery from Embroidered Deep Sea Gloves
Inv glove cloth nazmirraidmythic d 01 [Emblazoned Deep Sea Gloves] BoP Cloth 20 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
50 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
50 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
50 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
250 Ability malkorok blightofyshaarj red [Sanguicell]
- 150 150 150 Discovery from Inv glove cloth nazmirraid d 01 [Imbued Deep Sea Gloves]
Embroidered Deep Sea Breeches BoP Cloth 35 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
45 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
65 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
40 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
15 Inv tradeskillitem lessersorcererswater [Hydrocore]
110 150 150 150 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 50g
Imbued Deep Sea Breeches BoP Cloth 40 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
55 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
70 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
50 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
25 Ability malkorok blightofyshaarj red [Sanguicell]
- 150 150 150 Discovery from Embroidered Deep Sea Breeches
Embroidered Deep Sea Breeches BoP Cloth 45 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
65 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
75 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
60 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
250 Ability malkorok blightofyshaarj red [Sanguicell]
- 150 150 150 Discovery from Imbued Deep Sea Breeches
Enhanced Deep Sea Gloves BoP Cloth 35 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
40 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
40 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
10 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
15 Inv tradeskillitem sorcererswater [Tidalcore]
115 150 150 150 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 50g
Fortified Deep Sea Gloves BoP Cloth 40 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
45 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
45 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
15 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
20 Inv tradeskill 81 breath of bwonsamdi raid [Breath of Bwonsamdi]
- 150 150 150 Discovery from Enhanced Deep Sea Gloves
Inv glove cloth zuldazarraidmythic d 01 [Tempered Deep Sea Gloves] BoP Cloth 20 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
50 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
50 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
20 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
200 Inv tradeskill 81 breath of bwonsamdi raid [Breath of Bwonsamdi]
- 150 150 150 Discovery from Fortified Deep Sea Gloves
Enhanced Deep Sea Breeches BoP Cloth 55 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
45 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
65 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
15 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
15 Inv tradeskillitem sorcererswater [Tidalcore]
115 150 150 150 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 50g
Fortified Deep Sea Breeches BoP Cloth 60 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
50 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
70 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
20 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
20 Inv tradeskill 81 breath of bwonsamdi raid [Breath of Bwonsamdi]
- 150 150 150 Discovery from Enhanced Deep Sea Breeches
Tempered Deep Sea Breeches BoP Cloth 65 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
60 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
75 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
25 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
200 Inv tradeskill 81 breath of bwonsamdi raid [Breath of Bwonsamdi]
- 150 150 150 Discovery from Fortified Deep Sea Breeches
Inv tailoring 80 deepseabag [Deep Sea Bag] Bag 30 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
15 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
15 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
Rank 1 50 85 105 125 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 30g
28 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
14 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
14 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
Rank 2 85 110 127 145 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 42g 50s
25 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
12 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
12 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
Rank 3 - 125 137 150 Voldunai/Order of Embers Revered 1200g
Embroidered Sea Bag Bag 75 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
10 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
3 Inv tradeskillitem lessersorcererswater [Hydrocore]
Rank 1 - 150 150 150 World Drops
70 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
7 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
2 Inv tradeskillitem lessersorcererswater [Hydrocore]
Rank 2 - 150 150 150 Tortollan Seekers revered 1200g
65 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
5 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
1 Inv tradeskillitem lessersorcererswater [Hydrocore]
Rank 3 - 150 150 150 Zul, Reborn in Uldir
Spell tailor defenceup01 [Battle Flag: Phalanx Defense] Battle Flag 25 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
10 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
20 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
Rank 1 75 90 95 100 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 35g
20 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
8 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
18 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
Rank 2 100 150 150 150 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 45g
15 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
5 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
16 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
Rank 3 - 150 150 150 B [50WQ] Work Order: Battle Flag: Phalanx Defense
Spell tailor mountspeedup01 [Battle Flag: Rallying Swiftness] Battle Flag 25 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
10 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
20 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
Rank 1 75 90 95 100 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 35g
20 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
8 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
18 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
Rank 2 100 150 150 150 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 45g
15 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
5 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
16 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
Rank 3 - 150 150 150 B [50WQ] Work Order: Battle Flag: Rallying Swiftness
Spell tailor ccreduce01 [Battle Flag: Spirit of Freedom] Battle Flag 25 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
10 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
20 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
Rank 1 75 90 95 100 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 35g
20 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
8 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
18 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
Rank 2 100 150 150 150 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 45g
15 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
5 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
16 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
Rank 3 100 150 150 150 B [50WQ] Work Order: Battle Flag: Spirit of Freedom
Discreet Spellthread BoP Spellthread 20 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
8 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
10 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
75 85 117 150 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 35g
Feathery Spellthread BoP Spellthread 20 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
8 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
10 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
75 85 117 150 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 35g
Resilient Spellthread BoP Spellthread 20 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
8 Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin]
10 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
75 85 117 150 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 35g
Tidespray Bandage Consumables 2 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen] 1 10 42 75 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 25g
Inv firstaid deep sea satin [Deep Sea Bandage] Consumables 2 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin] 50 75 87 100 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 30g
Tidespray Net Consumables 10 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
25 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
1 10 42 75 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 25g
Hooked Deep Sea Net Consumables 10 Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin]
15 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
50 75 87 100 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 30g
Inv belt 42 [Rough-hooked Tidespray Linen] Follower gear 75 Inv tailoring 80 tidespraylinen [Tidespray Linen]
20 Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
30 Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
1 Inv tradeskillitem lessersorcererswater [Hydrocore]
75 95 110 125 Alliance Daniel Brineweaver / Horde Pin'jin the Patient 35g
Inv parachute 01 [Saddlechute] Mount Equipment 50x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
10 x Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin],
15 x Inv misc startannedleather [Dredged Leather],
20 x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
150 165 170 175 Alliance Instructor Alikana /
Horde Jada TBC
Inv shoulder cloth panda b 02 blue [Seabreeze Saddle Blanket] Mount Equipment 25x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
3x Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin],
5x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread]
145 150 162 175 Alliance Instructor Alikana /
Horde Jada 50g
Gilded Seaweave Gloves BoP Hands 75x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
15x Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin],
40x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread],
20x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
165 175 175 175 Alliance Instructor Alikana /
Horde Jada 85g
Reinforced Seaweave Gloves BoP Hands 85x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
20x Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin],
45x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread],
25x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
165 175 175 175 Discovery from Gilded Seaweave Gloves
Inv glove cloth nazjatarraidmythic d 01 [Banded Seaweave Gloves] BoP Hands 100x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
25x Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin],
50x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread],
30x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
165 175 175 175 Discovery from Reinforced Seaweave Gloves
Gilded Seaweave Breeches BoP Legs 85x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
20x Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin],
50x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread],
30x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
170 175 175 175 Alliance Instructor Alikana/
Horde Jada TBC
Reinforced Seaweave Breeches BoP Legs 100x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
25x Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin],
55x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread],
35x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
170 175 175 175 Discovery from Gilded Seaweave Breeches
Inv pant cloth nazjatarraidmythic d 01 [Banded Seaweave Breeches] BoP Legs 115x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
30x Inv tailoring 80 embroidereddeepseasatin [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin],
60x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread],
40x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
170 175 175 175 Discovery from Reinforced Seaweave Breeches
Notorious Combatant's Satin Bracers (BfA S3) PvP Wrist 10x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
6x Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin],
8x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread],
2x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 1 145 165 170 175 Alliance Instructor Alikana /
Horde Jada 70g
8x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
5x Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin],
6x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread],
2x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 2 - 170 172 175 Alliance Crafticus Mindbender / Horde Dazzerian 2 Mark of Honor
7x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
4x Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin],
5x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread],
1x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 3 - 175 175 175 Alliance Crafticus Mindbender / Horde Dazzerian 4 Mark of Honor
Notorious Combatant's Satin Mittens (BfA S3) PvP Hands 20x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
8x Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin],
25x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread],
3x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 1 145 165 170 175 Alliance Instructor Alikana /
Horde Jada TBC
18x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
6x Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin],
25x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread],
3x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 2 - 170 172 175 Alliance Crafticus Mindbender / Horde Dazzerian 2 Mark of Honor
15x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
5x Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin],
20x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread],
1x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 3 - 175 175 175 Alliance Crafticus Mindbender / Horde Dazzerian 4 Mark of Honor
Notorious Combatant's Satin Cloak (BfA S3) PvP Back 20x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
8x Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin],
25x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread],
3x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 1 145 165 170 175 Alliance Instructor Alikana /
Horde Jada TBC
18x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
6x Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin],
23x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread],
2x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 2 - 170 172 175 Alliance Crafticus Mindbender / Horde Dazzerian 2 Mark of Honor
15x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
5x Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin],
20x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread],
1x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 3 - 175 175 175 Alliance Crafticus Mindbender / Horde Dazzerian 4 Mark of Honor
Notorious Combatant's Satin Boots (BfA S3) PvP Feet 20x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
8x Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin],
25x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread],
3x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 1 150 165 170 175 Alliance Instructor Alikana /
Horde Jada 75g
18x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
6x Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin],
23x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread],
2x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 2 - 170 172 175 Alliance Crafticus Mindbender / Horde Dazzerian 2 Mark of Honor
15x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
5x Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin],
20x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread],
1x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 3 - 175 175 175 Alliance Crafticus Mindbender / Horde Dazzerian 4 Mark of Honor
Notorious Combatant's Satin Belt (BfA S3) PvP Waist 20x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
8x Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin],
25x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread],
3x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 1 150 165 170 175 Alliance Instructor Alikana /
Horde Jada TBC
18x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
6x Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin],
23x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread],
2x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 2 - 170 172 175 Alliance Crafticus Mindbender / Horde Dazzerian 2 Mark of Honor
15x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
5x Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin],
20x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread],
1x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 3 - 175 175 175 Alliance Crafticus Mindbender / Horde Dazzerian 4 Mark of Honor
Notorious Combatant's Satin Pants (BfA S3) PvP Legs 30x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
15x Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin],
40x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread],
5x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 1 155 165 170 175 Alliance Instructor Alikana /
Horde Jada TBC
28x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
12x Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin],
35x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread],
4x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 2 - 170 172 175 Alliance Crafticus Mindbender / Horde Dazzerian 2 Mark of Honor
25x Inv fabric seaweave [Gilded Seaweave],
10x Inv tailoring 80 deepseasatin [Deep Sea Satin],
30x Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread [Nylon Thread],
3x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 3 - 175 175 175 Alliance Crafticus Mindbender / Horde Dazzerian 4 Mark of Honor