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NeutralCaptive Wyrmtongue
Image of Captive Wyrmtongue
Title <Reluctant 'Quartermaster'>
Race Wyrmtongue (Humanoid)
Level 100
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Varies
Legion Invasions
The subject of this article or section was part of Legion Invasions, a world event that heralded the beginning of the Burning Legion's third invasion of Azeroth prior to Legion.

Captive Wyrmtongues can be found at the Illidari camps in Stormwind City and Orgrimmar. The quartermaster sells an assortment of items using Nethershards as currency.



Over here, friend <class>! This one has shinies to offer. Take a look!

Yes, yes! come closer, friend!

I see you has nice things! What does friend need? Perhaps some trinkets do you well?

Removed from game The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft.

Gossip All right then, what do you have?

Vendor information[]

Captive Wyrmtongue
<Reluctant 'Quartermaster'>
Item Cost Type
Inv batpet [Felbat Pup] 150 Nethershard Pet
Inv ore feliron nugget [Coalesced Fel] 150 Nethershard Item upgrade
Inv cloth draenorcrafted d 01helm [Ensemble: Fel-Infused Cloth Armor] 200 Nethershard Appearance
Inv helm leather draenorcrafted d 01 alliance [Ensemble: Felshroud Leather Armor] 200 Nethershard Appearance
Inv helm mail draenorcrafted d 01 alliance [Ensemble: Fel-Chain Mail Armor] 200 Nethershard Appearance
Inv plate draenorcrafted d 01helm [Ensemble: Felforged Plate Armor] 200 Nethershard Appearance
Inv cape vrykulhunter b 01 [Demon Commander's Drape] 50 Nethershard Back
Item icecrownnecklaced [Infernal Cord] 50 Nethershard Neck
Inv 6 0raid necklace 4d [Legionnaire's Fel Pendant] 50 Nethershard Neck
Inv jewelry ring 62 [Nether Twisted Band] 50 Nethershard Finger
Inv jewelry ring 92 [Legion Bound Ring] 50 Nethershard Finger
Inv misc bone 03 [Felstalker Spine] 50 Nethershard Trinket
Inv misc gem lionseye 01 [Inquisitor's Talisman] 50 Nethershard Trinket
Inv misc ahnqirajtrinket 03 [Mo'arg Clan Token] 50 Nethershard Trinket
Inv glaive 1h npc c 01 [Glaive of the Fallen] 100 Nethershard Warglaive

Patch changes[]

External links[]
