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Inv firearm 2h rifle kultirasquest b 01

Finely-Tuned Stormsteel Destroyer is created by using Kul Tiran and Zandalari Engineering.


Rank 1 is taught by the Kul Tiran and Zandalari engineering trainers, Alliance Layla Evenkeel and Horde Shuga Blastcaps for 40g at a skill of (100). Rank 2 is taught by the same trainer for 75g at a skill of (125). Rank 3 of Inv recipe 70 scroll3star [Schematic: Finely-Tuned Stormsteel Destroyer] is purchased from Alliance Vindicator Jaelaana or Horde Ransa Greyfeather for 1200g and requires revered reputation with 7th Legion. or The Honorbound.

Materials required:
Inv ore stormsilver 25x [Storm Silver Ore] Inv ore platinum 12x [Platinum Ore]
Inv eng chemicalblastingcap 5x [Chemical Blasting Cap] Inv expulsom 8x [Expulsom]
Materials required (Rank 2):
Inv ore stormsilver 22x [Storm Silver Ore] Inv ore platinum 10x [Platinum Ore]
Inv eng chemicalblastingcap 5x [Chemical Blasting Cap] Inv expulsom 6x [Expulsom]
Materials required (Rank 3):
Inv ore stormsilver 20x [Storm Silver Ore] Inv ore platinum 8x [Platinum Ore]
Inv eng chemicalblastingcap 5x [Chemical Blasting Cap] Inv expulsom 5x [Expulsom]

Patch changes[]

Other versions[]

External links
