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MobMage Lord Gogg'nathog
No image available
Gender Male
Race Ogre (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Gorian Empire
Location Frostwall / Lunarfall

Mage Lord Gogg'nathog is a summonable Garrison raid boss using Inv misc tolvyr2 [Arcane Highmaul Relic] that can be obtained during a successfully-repelled Ogre invasion.


  • Spell mage arcaneorb Arcane Burst — Hurls arcane energy toward the target, inflicting 39 Arcane damage and granting a stack of Arcane Surge, increasing attack and cast speed by 20%. At 5 stacks, Arcane Surge will cause an Arcane Burst, inflicting 39 Arcane damage to all players.
  • Inv enchant essencearcanelarge Arcane Orb — Creates an orb of energy, inflicting 2 Arcane damage to any players it touches.
  • Spell arcane blast Arcane Surge — Hurls arcane energy toward the target, inflicting 39 Arcane damage and granting a stack of Arcane Surge, increasing attack and cast speed by 20%. At 5 stacks, Arcane Surge will cause an Arcane Burst, inflicting 39 Arcane damage to all players.
  • Spell arcane arcanepotency Unleashed Energy — Fills a target with arcane energy, causing them to periodically erupt, inflicting 0 Arcane damage to nearby players.
  • Spell magic polymorphrabbit Wild Polymorph — Transforms up to four nearby players into wild creatures, rendering them unable to act.


Notable drops:



  • How did I... lose?!
  • Witness your unmaking!
  • Wrong move, weaklings.
  • You can't handle this!

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