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For information on how to get into each instance (key, attunement, etc), see Instance attunement.
Instances by level (V)
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This article is a list of Mists of Pandaria instances by level.

Instance Name Abbreviations Zone Type Minimum Level Suggested Level Range Heroic Min. Level Heroic Level Range Bosses
Scarlet Halls SH Scarlet Monastery, Tirisfal Glades 5-player 21 28-31 90 90 Houndmaster Braun, Armsmaster Harlan, Flameweaver Koegler
Scarlet Monastery SM Scarlet Monastery, Tirisfal Glades 5-player 23 30-33 90 90 Thalnos the Soulrender, Brother Korloff, Commander Durand
Scholomance Scholo Western Plaguelands 5-player 33 41-44 90 90 Instructor Chillheart, Jandice Barov, Rattlegore, Lilian Voss, Darkmaster Gandling
Stormstout Brewery SB Valley of the Four Winds 5-player 80 80-90 90 90 Ook-Ook, Hoptallus, Yan-Zhu the Uncasked
Temple of the Jade Serpent TJS Jade Forest 5-player 80 80-90 90 90 Wise Mari, Lorewalker Stonestep, Liu Flameheart, Sha of Doubt
Mogu'shan Palace MP Vale of Eternal Blossoms 5-player 82 82-90 90 90 Trial of the King, Gekkan, Xin the Weaponmaster
Shado-Pan Monastery SPM Kun-Lai Summit 5-player 82 82-90 90 90 Gu Cloudstrike, Master Snowdrift, Sha of Violence, Taran Zhu
Gate of the Setting Sun GSS Serpent's Spine, Vale of Eternal Blossoms 5-player 83 83-90 90 90 Saboteur Kip'tilak, Striker Ga'dok, Commander Ri'mok, Raigonn
Siege of Niuzao Temple SNT Townlong Steppes 5-player 83 83-90 90 90 Vizier Jin'bak, Commander Vo'jak, General Pa'valak, Wing Leader Ner'onok


Instance Name Abbreviations Zone Type Minimum Level Suggested Level Range Heroic Min. Level Heroic Level Range Bosses
Mogu'shan Vaults MV Kun-Lai Summit 10/25-player raid 90 90 The Stone Guard, Feng the Accursed, Gara'jal the Spiritbinder, The Spirit Kings, Elegon, Will of the Emperor
Heart of Fear HoF Dread Wastes 10/25-player raid 90 90+ Imperial Vizier Zor'lok, Blade Lord Ta'yak, Garalon, Wind Lord Mel'jarak, Amber-Shaper Un'sok, Grand Empress Shek'zeer
Terrace of Endless Spring TES Veiled Stair 10/25-player raid 90 90+ Protectors of the Endless, Tsulong, Lei Shi, Sha of Fear
Throne of Thunder ToT Northeastern Isle of Thunder 10/25-player raid 90 90++ Jin'rokh the Breaker, Horridon, Council of Elders, Tortos, Megaera, Ji-Kun, Durumu the Forgotten, Primordius, Dark Animus, Iron Qon, Twin Consorts, Lei Shen, Ra-den (Heroic only)
Siege of Orgrimmar SoO Vale of Eternal Blossoms 10-25-player raid 90 90+++ Immerseus, The Fallen Protectors, Norushen, Sha of Pride, Galakras, Iron Juggernaut, Kor'kron Dark Shaman, General Nazgrim, Malkorok, Spoils of Pandaria, Thok the Bloodthirsty, Siegecrafter Blackfuse, Paragons of the Klaxxi, Garrosh Hellscream

See also[]
