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NeutralMoonfang Family Relics
Start Erelyn Moonfang
End Delas Moonfang
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Paladin Campaign
Class Paladin Paladin
Experience 16,450
Rewards 2000 Order Resources
19g 40s
Previous N Paladin [45] Darkbinder Dilemma
Next N Paladin [45] Runic Reading


Recover Moonfang family relics from within Shadowfen.


As promised, here is the crescent key that will open my family's lockboxes, though nothing of value remains.

I trust whatever you find you'll deliver to Delas? Our ancestor's things, whatever their worth, should remain in our family.


You will receive:

  • 19g 40s
  • 16,450 XP
  • 2000 Order Resources


I know the name Nerus. He's a distant relative of mine, but why would he hold on to fel trinkets?

The answer to that question might be found within this scroll, but it appears to be blank.


After accepting the quest, go up the stairs and look behind a dressing screen to find the chest containing the journal. From there, leave the house and travel a short distance west to a small, single-story house that contains the blank scroll. Finally, go back outside, turn your character a bit to the right, and enter the house that is straight ahead to get the pendant.

Once you are done here, use your Inv misc rune 15 [Dalaran Hearthstone] to return to Dalaran and take the portal to the Sanctum of Light.

Journal found
Nerus Moonfang says: They may never forgive me for what I have done, but at least they will be safe. For now, my family will be safe.
Nerus Moonfang says: The weight of my decision weighs heavy on my heart, but each day I see their carefree smiles eases that burden just a little.
Nerus Moonfang says: My gift to them is the bliss of ignorance. They will not realize its price until it is too late. What is done is done. I hope I have made the right choice.


  1. N Paladin [45] Judgment Awaits
  2. N Paladin [45] Ancestors and Enemies
  3. N Paladin [45] Darkbinder Dilemma
  4. N Paladin [45] Moonfang Family Relics
  5. N Paladin [45] Runic Reading
  6. N Paladin [45] Felstone Destruction
  7. N Paladin [45] Oath Breaker & N Paladin [45] Ending the Crescent Curse
  8. N Paladin [45] Champion: Nerus Moonfang

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