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The World of Warcraft game client stores all of its configurations in the so-called console variables (CVars). These variables affect many aspects of the game, such as the graphics engine, the interface, and the sound system.

There are several ways of setting the configuration variables:

  • - The World of Warcraft directory contains a file in the WTF folder, which provides settings mostly relevant to game startup, such as gxResolution for the screen resolution to use and locale for the language.
  • - This file uses the same format as, but for is used for character-specific settings. Please note that this file gets synchronized to the server if the CVar synchronizeConfig is enabled, so any changed to it may be lost on the next login.
  • /console command - Settings can be changed in-game using the /console command, which uses the syntax /console <command> <value>.
  • WoW In-game User Interface - WoW's ingame interface - Hit Esc to get to it.
  • WoW.exe -console - Launching the game with the -console argument will allow you to call the debug console ingame by pressing ~.
  • SetCVar API command - for changing settings using addons.

The syntax for the first two ways of changing a variable is:

SET variableName "value"
Red exclamation mark icon Manually changing a CVar may permanently override the settings made on the in-game configuration menu. For example, having cameraDistanceMax set in the file renders the "Max Camera Distance" slider useless. You will have to quit the game and manually remove the CVar line from the file.

List of CVars

This is a categorized list of console variables, along with a short explanation for each CVar.

The list is not complete; for a complete list, see Console variables/Complete list.


These are general variables that are only relevant for starting the game (or which are only read during startup).

accountList - Saves multiple account names for login screen
accountName - Saves 1 account name for login screen
accounttype - Saves what expansion level the user is playing on
AllMPQLocal - Keeps track if the background streaming has downloaded all MPQ files
bgLoadThrottle - Set the maximum percentage of available bandwidth for background streaming
blizzcon - Enables blizzcon special client behavior
checkAddonVersion - Disable loading of out-of-date addons
CinematicJoystick - Enables cinematic joystick control
decorateAccountName - Seems like this in only used on korean realms
expansionMovie - Display Burning Crusade intro at startup (This variable is reset to 0 after the video has been shown)
installType - Type of Installation (Retail/Beta/PTR)
lastCharacterIndex - Number of last character that was used for logging in (initial selection for character screen)
launchThirtyTwoBitClient‎ - Whether to launch 32bit client or 64bit client
locale - Game language code (e.g. "enGB", "enUS", "deDE", "frFR" ...)
movie - Display intro movie at startup (doesn't work in Burning Crusade game client)
movieSubtitle - Display subtitles for intro movies
patchlist - Address of the WoW patch server
readContest - Whether the user has accepted the PTR contest rules
readEULA - Whether the user has accepted the EULA
readScanning - Whether the user has accepted the system scanning terms
readTOS - Whether the user has accepted the Terms of Use
realmList - Realm list server to use (e.g. "" or "")
realmListbn - realm list server to use (default: "") - WoW still uses realmList
showToolsUI - Enables the WoW Launcher
streamStatusMessage - Whether to display status messages while streaming content


Note: This list is NOT complete due to the increasing number of cvars for this category. See Console_variables/Complete_list/Character for the full list of camera settings.
cameraBobbing - Enables camera bobbing in first person mode.
cameraDistanceMax - Sets the maximum distance which you can zoom out to.
cameraDistanceMaxFactor - Sets factor by which cameraDistanceMax is multiplied
cameraDistanceMoveSpeed - Sets the speed that the camera zooms in and out.
cameraDistanceSmoothSpeed - Sets the speed that the camera zooms in and out. (possible related to camerasmooth)
cameraPivot - Lets you free look when the camera is on the ground.
camerasmooth - Enables smooth camera movement (?)
cameraSmoothStyle - Controls the automatic camera adjustment (following) style
cameraTerrainTilt - Automatically changes the camera angle based on terrain
cameraViewBlendStyle - Controls if the camera moves from saved positions smoothly or instantly
cameraWaterCollision - Enables water collision for the camera
cameraYawMoveSpeed - Sets the speed, at which the camera auto-adjusts
cameraYawSmoothSpeed - Sets the speed, at which the camera auto-adjusts (possible related to camerasmooth)

Chat and Combat Log

autoCompleteResortNamesOnRecency - Shows people you recently spoke with higher up on the AutoComplete list
autoCompleteUseContext - Only display relevant names in the AutoComplete list
autoCompleteWhenEditingFromCenter Changes AutoComplete behavior when editing names from within
chatBubbles - Enables chat bubbles
chatBubblesParty - Enables party chat bubbles
chatMouseScroll - Enables mousewheel-scrolling in chat
chatStyle The style of Edit Boxes for the ChatFrame
conversationMode Changes the mode of RealID conversations
CombatDamage - Enables floating damage display over enemy targets
CombatHealing - Enables floating healing display over friendly targets
combatLogOn - Whether or not the combat log is shown
CombatLogPeriodicSpells - Enables periodic spells in combat log (?)
guildMemberNotify - Display notification when guild members log in or out
guildRecruitmentChannel - Whether to join the Guild Recruitment channel on login
profanityFilter - Enables chat profanity filter
showLootSpam - Toggles the detailed display of loot information (loot rolls etc.)
showToastBroadcast - Whether to show message for broadcasts
showToastConversation - Whether to show message for conversations
showToastFriendRequest - Whether to show a message for when you receive a friend request
showToastOffline - Whether to show a message for when your RealID friends go offline
showToastOnline - Whether to show a message for when your RealID friends come online
spamFilter - Enables the chat spam filter


assistAttack - Start attacking automatically after using /assist
autoClearAFK - Automatically clear Away-status when moving or chatting
autoDismount - Dismount when trying to use an ability
autoDismountFlying - Dismount when trying to use an ability when flying
AutoInteract - Enables Right-click to move
autoLootDefault - Enables auto-looting of corpses
autoRangedCombat - Automatically switch between ranged and meelee attack
autoSelfCast - Automatic self-casting
autoStand - Stand up when trying to use an ability [(Introduced in Patch 2.3)
autoUnshift - Unshift/Unstealth/Leave shadowform when using an ability only usable "unshifted" (Introduced in Patch 2.3)
BlockTrades - Block trade requests
deselectOnClick - Sticky targetting
enableWowMouse - Enables the Steelseries World of Warcraft Mouse
Joystick - Enables Joystick control
lootUnderMouse - Moves the looting frame under the mouse cursor when looting
maxSpellStartRecoveryoffset - Sets the time in milliseconds before a global cooldown finishes in which a new spell can be queued up
mouseInvertPitch - Invert up-down mouse motion
mouseInvertYaw - Invert left-right mouse motion
mouseSpeed - Mouse speed
reducedLagTolerance - Enables the use of a user-defined value for the spell queuing system introduced in 4.0.3
secureAbilityToggle - Keeps players from accidentally toggling off abilities by hitting the button twice in a short (~1 sec) period of time
stopAutoAttackOnTargetChange - Stop attacking when switching targets


asyncHandlerTimeout - A test of the engine - aka you're loading into instance, click out of WoW, click back & WoW has stopped responding.
asyncThreadSleep - Engine option: Set based on asyncHandlerTimeout
coresDetected - Number of CPU cores detected
MemUsage Seems to be a console-only command, but displays nothing as of 4.0.3
heapAllocTracking - Enables/disables allocation tracking & dumping in SMemMalloc
heapUsage - Displays heaps in use (Only works in the Console)
ObjUsage - Displays the Object manager list status (Only works in the Console)
processAffinityMask - Which processor core to start WoW on
simd - Enables SIMD features (e.g. SSE)
timingMethod - Sets the CPU timing method used. 0 lets the game decide, 1 is normal precision(fps limited to 64), 2 is high precision
timingTestError - Indicates if a timing test failed. A timing test only runs once on login if CVar timingMethod is set to 0
WorldPoolUsage - Seems to be a console-only command, but displays nothing as of 4.0.3 (static/dynamic/stream)


baseMip - Base level for mip mapping ("Texture Resolution" slider)
bspcache - Binary Space Partition node caching
componentCompress - Fixes issues with characters being fully black caused by bad/old drivers.
componentTextureLevel - Number of mip levels used for character component textures
componentThread - Multi thread character component processing
DesktopGamma - Matches Windows' Gamma Settings
emphasizeMySpellEffects - Whether other player's spell impacts are toned down or not
environmentDetail - Controls model draw distance for doodads (WoW 3.0)
farclip - Sets the view distance of the 3D environment. Anything past this distance will be covered in fog.
ffxDeath - Enables full screen death effect
ffxGlow - Enables full screen glow effect
ffxNetherWorld - Enables full screen "nether world" effect, e.g. for a Mage's Ability mage invisibility [Invisibility]
ffxRectangle - Enables Widescreen Framebuffer
ffxSpecial - Enables alternative on screen effects (WoW 3.0 Wrath-Logo-Small)
ffx - Enables all pixel shaders
fixedFunction - Force fixed function pixel and vertex processing
Gamma - Gamma level (doesn't seem to work with gxApi D3D9 at least)
groundEffectDensity - Set the density of small ground objects.
groundEffectDist - Set the maximum distance from the player at which to render small ground objects.
gxApi - Graphics API to use
gxAspect - Preserve aspect ratio for windowed mode
gxColorBits - Color bits
gxCursor - Enables hardware cursors
gxDepthBits - Depth bits
gxFixLag - Smooth mouse cursor
gxMaximize - When using windowed mode, maximize the window
gxMultisample - Enables anti-aliasing (e.g. "4" for 4x multisampling)
gxMultisampleQuality - Quality for anti-aliasing (?)
gxRefresh - Refresh rate in Hz
gxResolution - Screen resolution (e.g. "1280x1024")
gxRestart - Restarts the graphics engine
gxTextureCacheSize - Set the cache size
gxTripleBuffer - Enables Triple Buffering
gxVSync - Enables VSync
gxWindow - Windowed mode
hwDetect - Perform hardware detection for best values
hwPCF - Use hardware-based Percentage Closer Filtering for shadows
M2BatchDoodads - Enables handling of Detail Doodads in batches (combine doodads to reduce batch count)
M2BatchParticles - combine particle emitters to reduce batch count
M2FasterDebug - Enables developer dynamic control (programmer control of scene optimization mode)
M2Faster - End user control of scene optimization mode
M2UseClipPlanes - Use clip planes for sorting transparent objects
M2UseThreads - Multithread model animations
M2UseZFill - Enables Z-Fill on transparent objects
mapShadows - Toggle map shadows
MaxFPS - Framerate Limitation
maxFPSBk - Framerate Limitation while WoW isn't in focus
MaxLights - Maximum number of hardware lights
nearclip - Clipping range for small detail doodads
ObjectFadeZFill - Fade objects using ZFill pass
objectFade - Enables the smooth fading of objects after a certain distance
particleDensity - Particle density
pathSmoothing - Whether NPCs will round corners on ground paths
reflectionMode - Controls what parts of the world will reflect in the water.
reflectionDownscale - Adjust the detail and sharpness of the water reflections (0-4)
rippleDetail - Controls display of water ripples
shadowcull - enable shadow frustum culling
shadowinstancing - Shadow optimization which prevents flickering
shadowMode - Controls the detail level of ingame shadows
shadowTextureSize - Shadow texture size
shadowscissor - Enables scissoring when rendering shadowmaps
showfootprints - Enables footprint display
showfootprintparticles - Enables footprint particle display
showplayer - Enables the rendering of the player character
SkyCloudLOD - Level of detail for Sky
SkySunGlare - Toggles Sun Glare
SplineOpt - Loading Screen Spline for travel
textureCacheSize - Caches in memory textures when they are not in use for quick loading. (Min: 8388608, Max: 536870912, Default: 33554432)
sunshafts - Enables sun shafts
textureFilteringMode - Texture filtering mode (?)
UIFaster - UI acceleration level
unitHighlights - Toggle model highlighting on targeted units
UseAnimKits - Use AnimKits instead of the old unit animation system
useWeatherShaders - Enables weather shaders
violenceLevel - Changes the violence level of the game
waterDetail - Enables water reflection (0 = old water, 1 = screen space reflection, 2 = dynamic reflection)
weatherDensity - Level of weather effects
windowResizeLock - Locks so the game can't be resized while in windowed mode - see gxWindow


addFriendInfoShown - The info for Add Friend has been shown in the Pending section of the Friends list
advancedWatchFrame - Enables advanced Objectives tracking features
advancedWorldMap - Enables advanced World Map features
alwaysCompareItems - Always show item comparison tooltips
alwaysShowActionBars - Whether to always show the action bar grid
buffDurations - Whether to show buff durations
characterFrameCollapsed - Show detailed stats on the player character frame
colorblindMode Enable colorblind mode
colorChatNamesByClass Enables class-coloring in chat
consolidateBuffs Enables buff consolidation
digSites - Enables the archaeological dig site system
displayFreeBagSlots - Diplay how many free slots a bag has on the main menu bar
displaySpellActivationOverlays - Enables the PowerAuras-like spell alterts introduced in 4.0.1
displayWorldPVPObjectives - Display PvP objectives on the world map
dontShowEquipmentSetsOnItems - Hides the item set display on item tooltips
enableCombatText - Enables floating combat text
enablePVPNotifyAFK - The ability to shutdown the AFK notification system
flaggedTutorials - Enable/Disable tutorials for new players
friendsSmallView - Whether to use smaller icons in the friends list for RealID friends
friendsViewButtons - Whether to show the friends list view buttons
gameTip - Determine which Loading Screen tip will display next (increments per character Login)
guildNewsFilter - Stores the guild news filters
guildRewardsCategory - Show category of guild rewards
guildRewardsUsable - Show usable guild rewards only
guildRosterView - The current guild roster display mode
guildShowOffline - Whether to show offline members in the guild UI
lastVoidStorageTutorial - The current Void Storage tutorial progress (added in 4.3.0)
lfgAutoFill - Whether to automatically add party members while looking for a group in old server-wide LFG tool
lfgAutoJoin - Whether to automatically join a party while looking for a group in old server-wide LFG tool
lfgSelectedRoles - Stores the last selected LFG rule(s)
lockedWorldMap - Whether the world map is locked when sized down
mapQuestDifficulty - Whether to color quest titles by difficulty in the World Map
minimapZoom - The current outdoor minimap zoom level
minimapInsideZoom - Minimap inside zoom level (returns the same zoom level as Minimap:GetZoom() when indoors)
minimapShapeshiftTracking - Stores the setting for tracking humanoids
minimapTrackedInfo - Stores the minimap tracking that was active last session
ObjectSelectionCircle - Show the target selection circle underneath the current target
pendingInviteInfoShown - Stores if the info for pending RealID invites has been shown
PetMeleeDamage - Show floating pet meelee damage over enemy targets
PetSpellDamage - Show floating pet spell damage over enemy targets
predictedHealth - Whether or not to use predicted health values in the UI
predictedPower - Whether or not to use predicted power values in the UI
reloadUI - Triggers a reloading of the complete user interface data. This command uses no value.
rotateMinimap - Rotate minimap with the character's orientation
screenEdgeFlash - Whether to flash the screen on gaining aggro
screenshotFormat - Screenshot format (png | tga | jpeg)
screenshotQuality - Screenshot quality (0-10)
scriptErrors - Enables the display of LUA errors ingame
scriptProfile - Enables CPU profiling for LUA scripts, needs a UI reload to take effect
showGameTips - Toggles displaying of loading screen game tips
showNewbieTips - Toggles the display of simplified ability tooltips
showToastWindow - Whether to show a window to announce your RealID friends logging on or off.
synchronizeBindings - Toggles the saving of key bindings to the server
synchronizeConfig -- Toggles the saving of CVars to the server
synchronizeMacros - Toggles the saving of macros to the server
synchronizeSettings - Toggles the saving of UI settings to the server
taintLog - Enables logging of UI taint messages
UberTooltips - Show enhanced spell tooltips
uiScale - User Interface scale, only works when useUiScale is enabled
UnitNameEnemyGuardianName - Toggle Enemy Guardian Names
UnitNameEnemyPetName - Toggle Enemy Pet Names
UnitNameEnemyPlayerName - Toggle Enemy Player Names
UnitNameEnemyTotemName - Toggle Enemy Totem Names
UnitNameFriendlyGuardianName - Toggle Friendly Guardian Names
UnitNameFriendlyPetName - Toggle Friendly Pet Names
UnitNameFriendlyPlayerName - Toggle Friendly Player Names
UnitNameFriendlySpecialNPCName - Toggle Friendly Special NPC Names (?)
UnitNameFriendlyTotemName - Toggle Friendly Totem Names
UnitNameGuildTitle - Toggle Guild Titles in Player Names
UnitNameNonCombatCreatureName - Toggle Non-Combat Creature Names
UnitNameNPC - Toggle NPC Name
UnitNameOwn - Toggle Own Name
UnitNamePlayerGuild - Toggle Guild Tags
UnitNamePlayerPVPTitle - Toggle Titles
useUiScale - Enables interface scaling


bloatnameplates - Increases size of nameplates based on threat percentage
bloattest - Seems to shrink nameplates for any value greater than zero, probably bugged as of 4.0.3
bloatthreat - Makes nameplates larger depending on gaining/losing threat. Only active when a mob has multiple units on its threat table
nameplateShowEnemies - Show enemy nameplates
nameplateShowEnemyGuardians - Show enemy guardian nameplates
nameplateShowEnemyPets - Show enemy pet nameplates
nameplateShowEnemyTotems - Show enemy totem nameplates
nameplateShowFriends - Show friendly nameplates
nameplateShowFriendlyGuardians - Show friendly nameplates
nameplateShowFriendlyPets - Show friendly pet nameplates
nameplateShowFriendlyTotems - Show friendly totem nameplates
repositionfrequency - How many frames to skip per nameplate reposition
ShowVKeyCastbar - Show target's cast bar under nameplates
ShowClassColorInNameplate - Enables class coloring in nameplates
spreadnameplates - Controls whether nameplates should spread out or overlap


ChatAmbienceVolume - Volume setting for surroundings while in voice chat
ChatMusicVolume - Volume setting for game music while in voice chat
ChatSoundVolume - Volume setting for voice chat
EnableMicrophone - Enables the Microphone
EnableVoiceChat - Enables Voice Chat
FootstepSounds - Enables footstep sounds
InboundChatVolume - The volume of all other chat you hear (0.0 - 1.0)
OutboundChatVolume - The software amplification factor (0.0 - 2.0)
Sound_DSPBufferSize - Sound buffer size
Sound_EnableAllSound - Enables All Sound
Sound_EnableArmorFoleySoundForOthers - Enables armor damage sounds for NPCs and other PCs
Sound_EnableArmorFoleySoundForSelf - Enables armor damage sounds for player
Sound_EnableEmoteSounds - Enables emote voices
Sound_EnableErrorSpeech - Enables error sounds ("Can't cast that yet!")
Sound_EnableHardware - Enables Audio Hardware Acceleration
Sound_EnableMixMode2 - Enables and controls PCM Audio Quality
Sound_EnableMode2 - Enables Alternate sound processing
Sound_EnableMusic - Enables Music
Sound_EnableSFX - Enables SoundFX
Sound_EnableSoftwareHRTF - Enables headphone designed sound subsystem
Sound_EnableSoundWhenGameIsInBG - Enables sounds when WoW In not the focus
Sound_ListenerAtCharacter - Set sound center to player
Sound_MaxCacheableSizeInBytes - Max sound size that will be cached, larger files will be streamed instead
Sound_OutputDriverIndex - Audio Device Selected
Sound_OutputQuality - Changes the level of Sound Quality (0 - 2)
Sound_VoiceChatInputDriverIndex - Device for voice input (Microphone)
Sound_VoiceChatOutputDriverIndex - Device for voice output (Headset or secondary speakers)
useEnglishAudio - Override the locale and use English audio

Unit Frames

partyStatusText - Toggles the permanent display of health/power texts for party members
petStatusText - Toggles the permanent display of health/power texts for pets.
playerStatusText - Toggles the permanent display of health/power texts for the player
fullSizeFocusFrame - Increases the size of the focus frame
raidFramesDisplayAggroHighlight - Whether to highlight a user's raid frames if they have aggro
raidFramesDisplayClassColor - Colors raid frames with the class color
raidFramesDisplayIncomingHeals - Whether to display incoming heals on Raid Frames
raidFramesDisplayPowerBars - Whether to display mana, rage, energy on Raid Frames
raidFramesDisplayOnlyDispellableDebuffs - Whether to display only dispellable debuffs on Raid Frames
raidFramesHealthText - How to display health text on the raid frames
raidFramesHeight - Changes the height of the individual raid frames
raidFramesPosition - Saves where the raid frames should be placed
raidFramesWidth - Changes the width of the individual raid frames
raidOptionDisplayMainTankAndAssist - Whether to display main tank and main assist units in the raid frames
raidOptionDisplayPets - Whether to display pet units in the raid frames
raidOptionIsShown - Whether the Raid Frames are shown while in a raid
raidOptionKeepGroupsTogether - Keeps the groups together in the raid frames
raidOptionLocked - Whether the raid frames are locked
raidOptionShowBorders - Shows a border around all raid frames
raidOptionSortMode - Sets how to sort the users in the raid frames
showRaidRange - Darkens the raid frame of any raid member who is out of range
ShowTargetCastbar - Show your target's cast bar
statusTextPercentage - Toggles the permanent display of percentages for status texts on unit frames.
targetStatusText - Toggles the permanent display of health/power texts for the target
useCompactPartyFrames - Controls the type of party frames used
xpBarText - Toggles the permanent display of the text on the experience bar


Note: These are commands that only affect the drop down menu when WoW is started with the -console argument.
bgcolor - Sets the Console Backdrop Color
clear - Clears all console text
closeconsole - Closes console
consolelines - How many lines to display on screen at once
cvar_default - Sets all cvars to their defaults
cvar_reset - Resets file to the settings you use when you log in for the first time
cvarlist - Lists all cvars with their current & default settings
default - Returns console to default settings
fontcolor - Sets the Console font Color
fontsize - Sets the Console Font Size
font - Sets the Font to use in console (path must include .ttf)
help - Displays help and information for any command. (Eg. help debug)
highlightcolor - Sets the Console text highlight color
proportionaltext - Spaces text out to cover the entire screen (E x a m p l e  !)
repeat - Repeats a command when entered
settings - Lists current console settings
spacing - Specifies inter-character spacing, in pixels
ver - Displays build number and build date

GM Commands

Note: These commands are not available to players and are only listed for completeness. Trying to execute one of the commands usually results in an error or may even disconnect you from the server.
startproject - Results in a disconnect as of 4.0.3
whois - Ask the server to do an account/real name lookup on a character name
worldport - Prints "Teleporting to Stormwind" in the console, but immediately displays an error afterwards


Please see Category:Removed console variables for the deprecated/removed cvars.
