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MobDeathbound Ward
Image of Deathbound Ward
Race Skeleton (Undead)
Level 30 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Scourge
Location Lower Spire, Icecrown Citadel
Deathbound Ward activated

Deathbound Ward

Deathbound Wards are skeletons located in the Lower Spire in the Icecrown Citadel.

Attacks and abilities[]

  • Basic Melee: About 5-6k on plate. Frontal arc cleave.
  • Disrupting Shout 200 yd range — Interrupts the casting of all enemies when Disrupting Shout completes casting. Casting animation is white lightning hands. 3 second cast. Blocks casts from interrupted school for 8 seconds.
  • Saber Lash 6 yd range —  Splits 200% of normal melee damage to an enemy and its two nearest allies.


Deathbound Wards are large trash mobs that are triggered by stepping over hidden Spirit Alarms in The Lower Spire before Lord Marrowgar. There are four Spirit Alarms randomly placed within the two rooms leading up to Marrowgar's chamber. A Spirit Alarm in one room may activate a Deathbound Ward in the other room.

Rogues can use Spell shadow grimward [Disarm Trap] on the traps. Alternatively, warlocks can trigger the Spirit Alarms with Spell shadow evileye [Eye of Kilrogg] so that alarms are not activated during other pulls. Surprisingly, Inv gizmo goblingtonkcontroller [Crashin' Thrashin' Racer Controller] can also activate the Spirit Alarms. Single pulls of Deathbound Wards are recommended. If two or more are pulled accidentally, Deathbound Wards can be reset by running into the front Light's Hammer room.

Deathbound Wards are taunt immune. Deathbound Wards should be tanked facing away from the rest of the raid, with two tanks stacked on one another in front of the mob. They are immune to disarm.


Trap activated
  • Who... goes there...?
  • I... awaken!
  • The master's sanctum has been disturbed!


Reputation (The Ashen Verdict): 50 Reputation per kill.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
