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This article is an information page for the Shu'Halo realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.

Note: This list does not contain those recipes obtained through reputation with the various factions.

Rare Enchants/Crafts[]

Trade AlchemyAlchemy[]

Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
Inv misc cauldron arcane [Cauldron of Major Arcane Protection] Martoles, Qila, Tellah, Superspam Kathucka, Alltagstod
Inv misc cauldron fire [Cauldron of Major Fire Protection] Alltagstod
Inv misc cauldron frost [Cauldron of Major Frost Protection] Tellah
Inv misc cauldron nature [Cauldron of Major Nature Protection] Tellah Alltagstod
Inv misc cauldron shadow [Cauldron of Major Shadow Protection] Tellah, Superspam Alltagstod
Inv potion 107 [Destruction Potion] Hiyami, Tellah, Zeromus Kathucka, Alltagstod
Inv potion 136 [Elixir of Empowerment] Hiyami, Tellah Kathucka, Alltagstod
Inv potion 151 [Elixir of Major Mageblood] Martoles, Nutch, Tellah
Inv potion 135 [Elixir of the Searching Eye] Hiyami, Martoles, Tellah Kathucka, Alltagstod
Inv potion 138 [Fel Mana Potion] Foz, Hiyami, Tellah, Jenah, Martoles, Nutch, Seleena, Zeromus, Zukin, Superspam, Stevefox Ilikeurback, Kathucka, Alltagstod, Indo
Inv potion 140 [Fel Regeneration Potion] Foz, Hiyami, Tellah, Jenah, Martoles, Nutch, Zukin, Superspam Bloodytore, Kathucka, Alltagstod
Inv potion 152 [Fel Strength Elixir] Hiyami, Jenah, Martoles, Nutch, Tellah, Superspam, Stevefox Kathucka, Tellah, Alltagstod
Inv potion 41 [Flask of Supreme Power] Gigit
Inv potion 116 [Flask of Blinding Light] Jenah, Martoles, Tellah, Zeromus, Superspam, Stevefox Bloodytore, Ilikeurback, Kathucka, Alltagstod
Inv potion 48 [Flask of Chromatic Wonder] Gigit, Martoles, Tellah, Superspam Alltagstod, Indo
Inv potion 119 [Flask of Fortification] Hiyami, Jesar, Martoles, Tellah, Zeromus Ilikeurback, Kathucka, Alltagstod, Indo
Inv potion 118 [Flask of Mighty Restoration] Gigit, Hiyami, Nutch, Rak, Tellah, Stevefox Jazrak, Kathucka, Knoll, Alltagstod, Indo
Inv potion 115 [Flask of Pure Death] Jenah, Hiyami, Holts, Martoles, Qila, Seleena, Tellah, Stevefox Bloodytore, Ilikeurback, Kathucka, Alltagstod, Indo
Inv potion 117 [Flask of Relentless Assault] Fenton, Hiyami, Holts, Martoles, Seleena, Tellah, Zeromus Fireblaze, Jazrak, Alltagstod, Indo
Inv potion 108 [Haste Potion] Fenton, Hiyami, Holts, Jesar, Martoles, Tellah, Zeromus Kathucka, Alltagstod
Inv potion 106 [Heroic Potion] Hiyami Kathucka, Alltagstod
Inv potion 109 [Insane Strength Potion] Fenton, Hiyami, Jenah, Tellah Kathucka
Inv potion 133 [Ironshield Potion] Fenton, Jenah, Qila Alltagstod
Inv potion 128 [Major Arcane Protection Potion] Jenah, Holts, Martoles, Nutch, Tellah, Superspam Ilikeurback, Kathucka, Alltagstod
Inv potion 124 [Major Fire Protection Potion] Foz, Jenah, Holts, Seleena Kathucka, Alltagstod
Inv potion 126 [Major Frost Protection Potion] Holts, Tellah Kathucka
Inv potion 125 [Major Holy Protection Potion] Jenah, Martoles, Nutch, Tellah, Superspam Kathucka, Alltagstod
Inv potion 123 [Major Shadow Protection Potion] Jenah, Martoles, Nutch, Tellah, Superspam Kathucka, Alltagstod
Inv potion 134 [Super Rejuvenation Potion] Fenton, Hiyami, Martoles, Tellah, Superspam Laroux, Alltagstod

Trade BlackSmithingBlacksmithing[]

Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
[Belt of the Guardian] Vasfinest
[Black Felsteel Bracers] Vasfinest Gifflos, Manzaat
[Blessed Bracers] Vasfinest, Wedgè Grogthenair
[Bracers of the Green Fortress] Angrypepe, Vasfinest
[Dirge] Vasfinest Grogthenair
[Earthpeace Breastplate] Skorpio, Vasfinest Gifflos, Grogthenair
[Eternium Runed Blade] Vasfinest
[Fel Edged Battleaxe] Vasfinest
[Fel Hardened Maul] Vasfinest Grogthenair
[Felfury Gauntlets] Kiyoka, Vasfinest
[Felsteel Gloves] Frinz, Grahadrais, Kiyoka, Vasfinest Gifflos, Grogthenair
[Felsteel Helm] Ava, Engessa, Frinz, Grahadrais, Kiyoka, Skorpio, Vasfinest, Wedgè, Wildbinx, Tator Gifflos, Grogthenair, Manzaat, Yoba,
[Felsteel Leggings] Ava, Grahadrais, Kiyoka, Skorpio, Vasfinest, Wildbinx Gifflos, Grogthenair, Habishunda, Manzaat, Yoba
[Felsteel Longblade] Vasfinest Eugenesimmon, Gifflos, Grogthenair
[Felsteel Reaper] Pangradious, Vasfinest Grogthenair, Yoba
[Gauntlets of the Iron Tower] Eugenesimmon
[Greater Rune of Shielding] Grahadrais, Vasfinest Gifflos, Grogthenair, Yoba
[Hammer of Righteous Might] Vasfinest
[Hand of Eternity] Garith, Vasfinest
[Helm of the Stalwart Defender] Vasfinest
[Khorium Belt] Grahadrais, Vasfinest, Wedgè, Wildbinx Gifflos, Habishunda, Vatima, Yoba
[Khorium Boots] Grahadrais, Vasfinest, Wedgè, Wildbinx Eugenesimmon
[Khorium Champion] Vasfinest Grogthenair
[Khorium Pants] Grahadrais, Vasfinest, Wedgè, Wildbinx Gifflos
[Oathkeeper's Helm] Kiyoka, Skorpio, Vasfinest, Tator
[Ragesteel Breastplate] Vasfinest Grogthenair
[Ragesteel Gloves] Frinz, Grahadrais, Vasfinest, Wedgè Gifflos, Grogthenair, Vatima
[Ragesteel Helm] Engessa, Frinz, Vasfinest Gifflos, Grogthenair
[Ragesteel Shoulders] Ava, Kiyoka, Mashtun, Vasfinest Gifflos, Manzaat
[Red Belt of Battle] Ava, Vasfinest Manzaat
[Runic Hammer] Vasfinest Grogthenair
[Steelgrip Gauntlets] Vasfinest Grogthenair, Manzaat
[Storm Helm] Grahadrais, Vasfinest Grogthenair
[Swiftsteel Gloves] Kiyoka, Vasfinest Habishunda, Yoba

Trade EngravingEnchanting[]

Boot Enchants[]

Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
Boar's Speed Angraboda Brosarii, Silphia
Cat's Swiftness Alehandria, Himeguma, Syler Blixen, Silphia
Dexterity Angraboda, Myrcelle, Syler Silphia
Fortitude Angraboda, Ava, Cerrano, Himeguma, Psagethor, Emix Angstypanda, Blixen, Silphia
Surefooted Laurelia, Syler Angstypanda, Brosarii, Silphia, Yoba
Vitality Psagethor, Rakiner Angstypanda, Silphia, Yoba

Bracer Enchants[]

Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
Fortitude Ava, Elendor, Rakiner, Syler Awanu, Zeriz
Greater Dodge Clevis, Elendor, Gerrik, Warlucith Silphia, Yap, Yoba
Spellpower Elendor, Redhorn, Warlucith Silphia, Yoba, Zeriz

Chest Enchants[]

Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
Major Resilience Ava, Syler Blixen, Silphia, Yoba

Cloak Enchants[]

Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
Greater Arcane Resistance Clevis, Elendor, Gerrik, Kuraihana, Psagethor Blixen, Brosarii, Silphia, Yoba
Greater Shadow Resistance Clevis, Elendor, Gerrik, Kuraihana, Psagethor Silphia
Major Resistance Blixen, Silphia

Glove Enchants[]

Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
Superior Agility Ava, Ellarah, Seleena Angstypanda

Shield Enchants[]

Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
Resistance Elendor, Gerrik, Psagethor, Syler, Warlucith Blixen, Silphia
Shield Block Blixen

Two-Handed Weapon Enchants[]

Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
Major Agility Alehandria, Asperitus, Elendor, Ellarah, Gerrik, Himeguma, Seleena Angstypanda, Gerbiliana, Silphia, Yap
Savagery Angradoba, Asperitus, Clevis, Elendor, Ellarah, Metz, Myanna, Rakiner, Redhorn, Syler Angstypanda, Silphia, Yoba

Weapon Enchants[]

Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
Battlemaster Elendor Silphia, Zeriz
Executioner Rakiner
Major Intellect Clevis, Elendor, Gerrik, Metz, Myanna, Psagethor, Warlucith Blixen, Brosarii, Silphia, Yap, Yoba, Zeriz
Major Spellpower Clevis, Elendor, Ellarah, Gerrik, Grubuck, Metz, Myanna, Psagethor, Rakiner, Syler, Warlucith Blixen, Brosarii, Silphia, Yoba, Zeriz
Mongoose Alehandria, Ava, Himeguma, Rakiner, Syler Deborah, Gerbiliana, Silphia
Potency Myanna, Psagethor Silphia, Zeriz
Spellsurge Psagethor, Rakiner, Vaasond Silphia, Yoba
Soulfrost Alehandria Awanu, Silphia
Sunfire Alehandria, Syler Arawn, Awanu, Deathhand, Silphia

Trade EngineeringEngineering[]

Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
[Biznicks 247x128 Accurascope] Dyine Stomper
[Felsteel Boomstick] Dyine Constable, Stomper
[Gyro-Balanced Khorium Destroyer] Dyine, Shinshia, Mopar, Magmo Corak, Stomper
[Healing Potion Injector]
[Hyper-Vision Goggles] Constable
[Khorium Scope] Dyine, Lemmiwinks Corak, Eugenesimmon
[Mana Potion Injector] Magmo
[Ornate Khorium Rifle] Dyine
[Rocket Boots Xtreme] Magmo
[Stabilized Eternium Scope] Dyine, Shinshia, Mopar Corak, Stomper

INV Misc Gem 02Jewelcrafting[]

Inv misc gem diamond 04 [Earthstorm Diamond] (Meta)[]

Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
[Brutal Earthstorm Diamond] Chibi, Twoshot
[Tenacious Earthstorm Diamond] Chibi Zilas
[Insightful Earthstorm Diamond] Chibi Kanat
[Powerful Earthstorm Diamond] Chibi Kanat

Inv misc gem diamond 05 [Skyfire Diamond] (Meta)[]

Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
[Destructive Skyfire Diamond] Chibi, Twoshot Kanat, Heiligemisst
[Mystical Skyfire Diamond] Aduial, Chibi
[Thundering Skyfire Diamond] Chibi, Twoshot
[Swift Skyfire Diamond] Chibi Kanat

Inv jewelcrafting dawnstone 02 [Dawnstone] (Yellow Socket)[]

Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
[Brilliant Dawnstone] Charades, Chibi, Schoolgirl, Twoshot
[Gleaming Dawnstone] Chibi, Twoshot Zilas
[Great Dawnstone] Chibi
[Mystic Dawnstone] Chibi, Schoolgirl Kanat
[Rigid Dawnstone] Chibi, Schoolgirl, Twoshot Shifting,
[Smooth Dawnstone] Chibi, Twoshot
[Thick Dawnstone] Aduial, Chibi, Twoshot Zilas

Inv jewelcrafting livingruby 02 [Living Ruby] (Red Socket)[]

Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
[Bold Living Ruby] Aduial, Chibi, Twoshot Zilas
[Bright Living Ruby] Chibi, Twoshot
[Delicate Living Ruby] Charades, Chibi Kanat
[Flashing Living Ruby] Charades, Chibi, Schoolgirl Kanat
[Runed Living Ruby] Schoolgirl, Twoshot, Chibi Heilgemisst,
[Subtle Living Ruby] Charades, Twoshot Kanat, Zilas
[Teardrop Living Ruby] Charades, Chibi, Twoshot Kanat

Inv jewelcrafting nightseye 02 [Nightseye] (Red or Blue Socket)[]

Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
[Balanced Nightseye] Chibi, Twoshot
[Glowing Nightseye] Chibi, Schoolgirl, Twoshot Kanat
[Infused Nightseye] Chibi, Twoshot
[Royal Nightseye] Chibi, Twoshot Kanat, Zilas
[Shifting Nightseye] Chibi, Twoshot Kanat, Heilgemisst, Shifting, Zilas
[Sovereign Nightseye] Chibi, Twoshot Kanat, Zilas

Inv jewelcrafting nobletopaz 02 [Noble Topaz] (Red or Yellow Socket)[]

Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
[Glinting Noble Topaz] Chibi, Schoolgirl, Twoshot Zilas
[Inscribed Noble Topaz] Chibi, Schoolgirl, Twoshot Kanat
[Luminous Noble Topaz] Chibi, Twoshot Kanat, Heilgemisst, Zilas
[Potent Noble Topaz] Kanat, Heilgemisst, Zilas
[Veiled Noble Topaz] Twoshot
[Wicked Noble Topaz] Chibi Tarkan

Inv jewelcrafting starofelune 02 [Star of Elune] (Blue Socket)[]

Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
[Lustrous Star of Elune] Chibi
[Solid Star of Elune] Aduial, Chibi, Twoshot Kanat
[Sparkling Star of Elune] Charades, Chibi, Schoolgirl Kanat
[Stormy Star of Elune] Charades, Chibi, Schoolgirl, Twoshot Zilas

Inv jewelcrafting talasite 02 [Talasite] (Blue or Yellow Socket)[]

Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
[Dazzling Talasite] Twoshot Kanat, Zilas
[Enduring Talasite] Charades, Schoolgirl, Twoshot Zilas
[Jagged Talasite] Chibi, Schoolgirl Kanat, Tarkan, Zilas
[Radiant Talasite] Chibi, Twoshot Zilas
[Steady Talasite] Chibi


Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
[Coronet of Verdant Flame] Charades Kanat, Zilas
[Circlet of Arcane Might]
[Khorium Band of Frost] Chibi Kanat, Shifting
[Thick Felsteel Necklace] Charades, Chibi Kanat

Trade LeatherWorkingLeatherworking[]

Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
[Arcane Armor Kit] Elit, Landstander, Mego, Nightveil, Aeleynd Emorick, Genma, Kauroth, Lehr
[Belt of Deep Shadow] Kimidget
[Belt of Natural Power] Kimidget
[Belt of the Black Eagle] Kimidget
[Cobrascale Gloves] Kimidget, Nightveil Elinga, Genma, Lehr
[Cobrascale Hood] Alph, Acolyte Lehr, Ocslian
[Drums of Restoration] Altraman, Aeleynd, Omit
[Drums of Speed] Altraman, Elit, Aeleynd, Omit
[Earthen Netherscale Boots]
[Flame Armor Kit] Emorick, Genma
[Frost Armor Kit] Omit, Aeleynd Bigbadmistaj, Elinga
[Gloves of the Living Touch] Kimidget, Landstander, Aeleynd Elinga, Kauroth
[Hood of Primal Life]
[Living Dragonscale Helm] Avatar, Himeguma
[Nature Armor Kit] Nightveil, Aeleynd Emorick
[Netherdrake Gloves] Aeleynd
[Netherdrake Helm] Elinga, Genma
[Shadow Armor Kit] Genma
[Stylin' Adventure Hat] Elit, Himeguma, Landstaner, Nightveil Kauroth
[Stylin' Crimson Hat] Omit Emorick
[Stylin' Jungle Hat] Elit, Himeguma, Landstander, Mego, Omit, Aeleynd Elinga, Emorick, Genma, Kauroth, Lehr
[Stylin' Purple Hat] Elit, Himeguma, Mego, Nightveil, Omit, Aeleynd Elinga, Emorick, Genma, Lehr
[Thick Netherscale Breastplate] Bigbadmastaj
[Windscale Hood]
[Windslayer Wraps] Himeguma, Aeleynd Minnow
[Windstrike Gloves] Bigbadmastaj

Trade TailoringTailoring[]

Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
[Arcanoweave Bracers] Alehandria, Deneira, Ellarah, Frostnight, Ironmage Acespade, Zugzugz
[Arcanoweave Boots] Alehandria, Deneira, Ellarah, Frostnight, Gerrik, Ironmage, Jenah, Psagethor Knoll, Krztoff
[Arcanoweave Robe] Alehandria, Deneira, Ellarah, Frostnight, Gerrik, Psagethor Acespade, Knoll, Zeriz, Zugzugz, Alltagstod
[Battlecast Hood] Ellarah, Frostnight, Jennah, Yvonne Dwarfslayer
[Battlecast Pants] Daishan, Ellarah, Gerrik, Psagethor, Slantyline, Warlucith Acespade
[Belt of Blasting] Slantyline
[Belt of the Long Road] Deneira, Twoshot
[Black Belt of Knowledge] Krztoff
[Blackstrike Bracers] Alehandria, Gerrik
[Bracers of Havok] Alehandria, Gerrik
[Cloak of the Black Void] Ellarah, Frostnight, Gerrik Zugzugz
[Cloak of Eternity] Gerrik
[Girdle of Ruination] Elendor, Grubuck, Ironmage, Killahman, Slyjainie
[Manaweave Cloak] Clevis Brosari, Alltagstod
[Resolute Cape] Alehandria
[Soulcloth Shoulders] Gerrik, Rubiy
[Soulcloth Vest] Laurelia, Psagethor, Twoshot Zugzugz, Alltagstod
[Spellstrike Hood] Deneira, Grubuck, Ironmage, Laurelia, Metz, Slyjanie, Twoshot, Warlucith Acespade, Tharizdun, Zeriz, Alltagstod
[Spellstrike Pants] Alehandria, Allterkill, Arxias, Daishan, Ironpants, Metz, Warlucith, Widge Brosarii, Zeriz
[Unyielding Bracers] Alehandria, Clevis, Gigit, Frostnight, Psagethor
[Unyielding Girdle] Knoll, Alltagstod
[Vengeance Wrap] Deneira, Gigit, Gerrik, Ironmage
[White Remedy Cape] Alehandria, Deniera, Frostnight, Psagethor
[Whitemend Hood] Alehandria, Clevis, Ellarah, Gerrik Dwarfslayer, Alltagstod
[Whitemend Pants] Elendor, Rakiner